Just had a great moment, and I needed this to bring me back to reality. Sadly, the scale still isn't moving, and I'm fearing that I'm officially in my 2nd stall. But it may be too soon to tell, I though I hit a stall a couple of months ago as well, but it started back up again. If this is a stall, i'm just hoping this one won't last 3+ weeks again....

But anyway, on to my WOW moment. So, I decided to go shopping today, because most of my clothes are a little big. Because the scale hasn't been moving, I didn't want to test out a bunch of smaller sizes to see if i've changed, I just wanted to pick out some nice stuff that doesn't look like balloon tents on me. So, I know I'm in a size 38 pants now, so I pick out a couple of different colored pants in the same style. Because they are the same, i only tried on one in the store. They fit perfectly fine, so I grab them all.

When I got home, I tried on another color of the same styled pants. I noticed that this one felt a little snug, but was actually a better fit for me than the one I tried on in the store---but that doesn't make sense, they're all the same size right?

WELL.....NO! They weren't. As it turns out, one of the "38's" i picked up had the wrong hanger on it, and it was actually a size 36. AND THEY FIT! I could comfortably zip them up, walk around, sit down, they were normal fitting 36s!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. I still think back to my size 54 pant days....and I just can't believe how far I've come. This just goes to show that the scale cannot be my defining glory. Sometimes the scale will stay the same while you are losing inches away. a size 36 pants. Who would have ever thunk it? LOL

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