Spoke too soon, Stall is STILL kicking my ass..

I know, i know.....it's been nearly 3 weeks since i've last posted. This always happens when i get frustrated. on 2/1, i posted that after 1.5 week stall, i had dropped weight again, down to 198. Since 2/1, the stall has re-emerged bigger and better. It's truly badass, lol. Almost 3 weeks, with no movement whatsoever. It's so frustrating. Especially because i'm still doing the same things, at the gym at least 5-6x a week, drinking my fluids, and not overeating all crazy or anything, still around 1000-1200 calories a day (the same i've done for a while now), yet there is no movement. I know stalls happen, that's why i'm trying to stay calm, but I just want this OVER. I feel like it took me forever to get below 200, but now that i'm here, my body is being very stubborn and doesn't want to drop anymore. I still have about 25 pounds to go before I hit my personal goal, which I really wanted to happen before my 12 month anniversary....it should still happen, but that would mean this stall has to break SOON!, i'm now 9 months post op. I need to lose 25 pounds in 3 months to hit my goal. ARGGGHHHHH....so frustrating.

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